Sunday 27 March 2011


So most of today was spent at the charity that takes up a big part of my life. Its the sort of charity that really strives for the greatest development of children, and I can't tell you how wonderful it is to be part of it. The atmosphere is so humbling and warm and it really is like a family. It's like this perfect bubble to escape to - here there is no competition, no judging but just pure care and love between the volunteers. We had a talk today for the older ones about goals, self discipline etc, and just thinking about these things and also my long term goals and oppressions to it funnily enough made me very optimistic. (I thought spending time actually thinking about my failures would really dishearten me.)

Just spending time with the children and talking to some of the most inspirational and motivational people I have ever met made me realise that there is way more to life than academics and getting into university and achieving your goals straight away. Really makes me think, why waste so much time and energy looking at where things went wrong? Why don't I just be positive, learn from those mistake/hinders and use this energy to move forward to enjoy my life?

We also had a short talk about healthy politics and the role that one can play in society as a citizen of the world. This definitely reinforced my dream to one day work with/for the United Nations and just thinking about it, I'm quite excited that I may be able to do something worthwhile maybe in a third world country for people who aren't selfish and materialistically greedy in my potential gap year!!

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