Thursday 14 April 2011

In the midst of revision...

Hello everyone,

Sorry for the lack of posts the past few days, have been fairly busy with revision, events and what not and couldn't find enough time (and probably content!) to post.

So have been concentrating more on revision and relaxing than the whole university hoopla but there are a few things to add. Have been in contact with a few universities and all hope is not gone as I may possibly still be considered come August if people haven't made their offers, and some have said that they'd like me to apply there next year as they liked the look of my application which is promising! Annoying when it comes to gap year planning though, if there is the small possibility of going to Uni in Sept.

Have been working on a long ass post with advice for applications to certain uni's etc which I will post soon once its been looked at by some also 'in the know' to make sure that it is accurate etc.

Have had some really good chats with some family members and consultants and general practitioners that have resulted in a lessened fear for the year ahead and also some options that I should consider.

So besides all this and revision what have I done? I went to a cooking class today at L'atelier des Chefs which was good fun - it was something me and a friend got to go to for a free! How exciting. Made some funky dishes and learnt some new things too. The chef that ran the class was a bit military though and kept getting annoyed when I chopped instead of glided.

Did a spot of shopping (but not properly as I have taken a vow of no shopping for 2011) to get a few necessities - and get this, everything I bought (4 items) were below £5.  And they did include boots, wedges, bras etc. BARGAIN! Also recommend people to hit oxford street (if you want to dare) in the early morning when it just opens, as no crowds and everything is all nicely presented in shops :)

Have met up with a few friends and family and went to Ottolenghi (this great albeit posh place) for an incredible cheesecake and cappuccino. Continued my morning walks in Regents Park as it is still gorgeous and um that's about it!

Oh and a thought - any answers would be great to this - does anyone know where Pigeons go to sleep/do they sleep? Been wondering.

Peace out.

p.s. not really peace in my house - a silly hummingbird is nesting in my garden and has somehow learnt to mimic a car alarm and we have to hear it from about 4am till 11pm. EVERYDAY, ALL DAY. So irritating.

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